EIHR, PCRC and forumZFD in BiH are honored to present the joint publication of the Pedagogical Manual Holocaust & Peace- Lessons from the Past for the Future: A Practical Guide for Educators. The Manual developed by fifteen authors includes 11 Lesson plans/workshops divided in 4 Modules teaching about and onContinue Reading

Peace Education Hub (PEH), which is part of the Centre for Scientific Research and Professional Activities of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, was officially opened on the International Peace Day, 21 September 2020. Due to the epidemiological situation the opening was organised as a webinar which was attendedContinue Reading

PEDAGOGIES FOR PEACEBUILDING Fifth Webinar focusing on ‘The Role of University Based Peace Hubs’ part of ‘Peacebuilding Pedagogies’ an international project between Bosnia, Rwanda, Colombia and the UK. A group of academics from The Institute of Development Studies (University of Sussex), The University of the Arts, (London), The University ofContinue Reading

As a part of the joint, cross country, collaborative research project University Peace Hubs: Peacebuilding pedagogies in higher education, which involved universities in Rwanda, Colombia, United Kingdom and Bosnia and Herzegovina, we were looking at opportunities for teaching peacebuilding through university education. We were particularly interested in the role thatContinue Reading

On Monday, July 8, 2019, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University in Sarajevo hosted the workshop entitled University Peace Hubs- Collaborative Research Project on Pedagogies for Peacebuilding in Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda and United Kingdom. The coordinators for each university discussed the role of the Peace Hubs ProjectContinue Reading