Peace Education Hub of the University of Sarajevo- Faculty of Philosophy in partnership with forumZFD in BiH organized a working group meeting as a follow up event after the Peace Pedagogy Book Launch and the Peace Pedagogy Symposium, which were held in December 2023, in Sarajevo, BiH. The workshop broughtContinue Reading

On December 15, 2023, Peace Education Hub of the University of Sarajevo- Faculty of Philosophy, in collaboration with the following organizations- Center for educational initiatives Step by Step, UNFPA, UNESCO and forumZFD, organized the book launch Peace Pedagogies in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Theory and Practice in Formal Education (Kasumagić-Kafedžić, L. & Clarke-Habibi, S.,Continue Reading

The Network for Peace Building is organising Peace Days under the slogan ”Future = Positive Peace” in cooperation with forumZFD in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Forum Civil Peace Service) and Peace Education Hub at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo. This event will also include the award ofContinue Reading

On the occasion of the International Day of Living Together in Peace the students from three departments: Department of Pedagogy, Department of English and Department of History, participated in the workshop on Peace Education which was organized by Youth for Peace in cooperation with our Peace Education Hub (Faculty of Philosophy,Continue Reading

As part of the activities planned in 2021 Peace Education Hub (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo) organised a two-hour interactive online workshop Theatre of the Oppressed in Digital Space with Ida Karahasanović-Avdibegović on 28 June 2021. The workshop was organised in collaboration with the partner organisation forumZFD and itContinue Reading

On Monday, July 8, 2019, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University in Sarajevo hosted the workshop entitled University Peace Hubs- Collaborative Research Project on Pedagogies for Peacebuilding in Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda and United Kingdom. The coordinators for each university discussed the role of the Peace Hubs ProjectContinue Reading