ForumZFD is an international non-governmental organisation (INGO), established in 1996. We are working in the field of conflict transformation in eleven countries in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia.
forumZFD in the Western Balkans
In 1999, the Western Balkans was – along with Israel and Palestine – the region where we started our first projects within the Civil Peace Service Programme. Today around 25 local and international staff members are working in our offices in Belgrade, Pristina, Skopje and Sarajevo. Organized in regional working groups, we strive to increase the impacts of the work towards peaceful conflict transformation throughout the region. At the same time, the situation and specific contexts on the national levels are also always taken into account.
Our goals and mission
The wars of the 1990s and their aftermath continue to be very prevalent in the countries of the former Yugoslavia. Every country, every ethnic group and every conflict party maintains its own selective remembrance of the conflicts to this day. Enemy images are thus maintained. Many conflicts continue to hold enormous potential for violence.
Our work in the region focuses on Dealing with the Past and providing Education for Peace through formal and non-formal educational practices.
Our aim is to discredit militant discourses, to overcome stereotypes and to promote a culture of non-violence.
Our vision
The Western Balkans is a region where peace is built through the synergies of active, responsible citizens, institutions and societies dealing with conflicts constructively and without the use of violence.
Our partners
Civil Society contributes to the creation of inclusive spaces for dialogue and exchange. Therefore, we work actively and in close cooperation with local partners both on national and regional levels. Our partners are civil society organisations, artists and artistic groups, media representatives, relevant academics, especially historians, and state institutions, such as museums, schools, universities and municipal administrations.
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