With peace building pedagogies and teacher resources grounded on values education we want to address the issues of stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination in our society by supporting teachers and student teachers of different subjects (mother language, history, geography, foreign languages/cultures, arts) to develop and nurture the culture of peace in their schools and in their classrooms by teaching about peace and for peace in their specific areas of subject fields. Through our collaborative work with teachers and educators around the world we want to contribute to a more peaceful, sustainable, democratic, equitable and just education and society.

  • The Peace Hub Sarajevo will have a potential for meeting and training small groups of students, teachers and community members in peace building and nonviolence and will have an easy access for community partners.
  • It will be a platform to support teachers of different subjects in focusing their action research and teaching on societal and conflict/peacebuilding issues, values education, building partnership with local Civil Society organizations and bringing together different experiences and forms of knowledge. It will aim to support the university to become a resource in peace pedagogies in teacher training programs across different disciplines and fields of study.
  • The Peace Hub Sarajevo will work on developing and strengthening the connections with universities, peace centres, teachers’ institutes, and different education institutes that work on the issues of peace and nonviolence in education and teacher training nationally, regionally and internationally.
  • It will also aim at responding to requests for involvement with international organisations on different projects and summer institutes and will work on recommending and supporting capacity building activities for partners from across the region for mutual and cross regional learning. It will publicize and oversee ‘seed fund’ to support and disseminate innovative research and practice at the university, in teacher education and professional teacher development, but also in a broader community.
  • The Peace Hub will be staffed by an academic coordinator who would work closely with the team of university professors on proposing and developing programs, modules and initiatives that would be in line with the mission of the Peace Hub.
  • The Peace Hub would be supported by a board of university and community representatives and with additional internship and voluntary opportunities for student and post docs involvement. It will network and promote its programs at internal, local, regional and international level and various events.