Peace Education Hub, Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, won the Goran Bubalo Peace Award for educational institution in 2021. The award is presented annually by the Network for Building Peace. Activists Nihad Suljić, Indira Bajramović and BH Pride March are also the recipients of this year’s Peace Award. The NetworkContinue Reading

Peace Education Hub participated in the collaboration between the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, and Leiden Law School from the Netherlands in the period from April to June 2021. Nadia Sonneveld, Associate Professor from Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance, and Society, Leiden Law School, taught an online courseContinue Reading

EIHR, PCRC and forumZFD in BiH are honored to present the joint publication of the Pedagogical Manual Holocaust & Peace- Lessons from the Past for the Future: A Practical Guide for Educators. The Manual developed by fifteen authors includes 11 Lesson plans/workshops divided in 4 Modules teaching about and onContinue Reading