The Peace Education Hub at the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Philosophy, in  collaboration with forumZFD in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Euroclio HIP BiH, is  organizing the 4th Summer School of Peace Pedagogy on June 21, 2024. 

As always, our mission is to address the use of peace pedagogy in teaching practice and offer  teachers and participants of the Summer School new methods and teaching resources based on  teaching universal values. Our aim is to empower teachers and professional collaborators in  developing and fostering a culture of peace in their schools and classrooms, teaching about  peace and for peace in their specific areas.

This year, the Summer School consists of two parts. 

The first part includes a public lecture by Dr. Laura Kromják titled “Intergenerational  Trauma and Memories of War among Bosnian Americans.” Professor Kromják teaches at the Department of Global and Development Studies at the Institute for Political and International Studies, Eötvös Loránd (ELTE), University in Budapest, Hungary. The lecture  will address the ways historical, cultural, and economic trauma of one generation is  transmitted to future generations, with a focus on the Bosnian diaspora in St. Louis, USA. 

This lecture will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into B/H/S provided  for the participants in the room and on the YouTube channel. 

The second part of the Summer School consists of two workshops focusing on teaching  sensitive topics in the classroom, followed by a panel discussion.

The lecturers will be: Melisa Forić Plasto, MA (University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Philosophy) and Ana  Radaković, MA (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy). The panel discussion  participants will include the aforementioned lecturers as well as Prof. Dr. Nenad Veličković  (University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Philosophy), and high school professor Vedran Zubić. 

These workshops and the panel discussion will be conducted in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. 

Simultaneous translation into English will be provided for the participants in the room and  on the YouTube channel during the panel discussion.