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Reflections on the 4th Peace Pedagogy Summer School 2024

The report on the 4th Peace Pedagogy Summer School was prepared by Cornell students Myka Melville and Fiona Neibart who are interns in Peace Education Hub during the summer of 2024. The Peace Education Hub in collaboration with forumZFD in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Euroclio HIP BiH ran the fourth

Internship at Peace Education Hub with Cornell students Myka Melville and Fiona Neibart

Myka Melville Myka Melville is a rising senior at Cornell University’s College of Arts & Sciences, studying Government and History, minoring in European Studies and German studies. Her academic and research interests surround the historical, cultural, and political complexities of the European continent and how it impacts policies and institutions.

4th Summer School of Peace Pedagogy (June 21, 2024)

The Peace Education Hub at the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Philosophy, in  collaboration with forumZFD in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Euroclio HIP BiH, is  organizing the 4th Summer School of Peace Pedagogy on June 21, 2024.  As always, our mission is to address the use of peace pedagogy in

Mardjan Montazemi’s lecture on emancipatory peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On May 22, 2024 Peace Education Hub hosted the lecture of Mardjan Montazemi who presented her research on emancipatory peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Marjan has more than 30 years of experience in community and international development as well as peacebuilding.  Over the years, she has worked with NGOs, foundations

Online Meeting with Global Humanity for Peace Institute, University of Wales Trinity St David

Our Peace Education Hub hosted the online meeting with Scherto Gill and Ryan O’Byrne on May 7, 2024. Scherto Gill is Professor of Research and Director of Global Humanity for Peace Institute, University of Wales Trinity St David. She directs the UNESCO Initiative on Collective Healing, Social Justice and Global Well-Being. As a

Working Group Planning Meeting: Peace Education Curriculum in BiH- Peace Pedagogies in Formal Education (Sarajevo, 26-27April, 2024)

Peace Education Hub of the University of Sarajevo- Faculty of Philosophy in partnership with forumZFD in BiH organized a working group meeting as a follow up event after the Peace Pedagogy Book Launch and the Peace Pedagogy Symposium, which were held in December 2023, in Sarajevo, BiH. The workshop brought

Supporting young researchers of peace and reconciliation

Part of the mission of the Peace Education Hub is to encourage young researchers to explore the relevance of the close collaboration of formal and non-formal education in the spreading of peace values, especially in a fragile post-conflict society such as Bosnia and Herzegovina. On 26 February 2024, we were

Book Launch and Symposium on Peace Pedagogies in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On December 15, 2023, Peace Education Hub of the University of Sarajevo- Faculty of Philosophy, in collaboration with the following organizations- Center for educational initiatives Step by Step, UNFPA, UNESCO and forumZFD, organized the book launch Peace Pedagogies in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Theory and Practice in Formal Education (Kasumagić-Kafedžić, L. & Clarke-Habibi, S.,

Book Launch and Symposium: Peace Pedagogies in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Theory and Practice in Formal Education

Peace Education Hub,University of Sarajevo- Faculty of Philosophy, in collaboration with the organizations  Center for educational initiatives Step by Step, UNFPA, UNESCO and forumZFD, organizes the book launch Peace Pedagogies in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Theory and Practice in Formal Education (Kasumagić-Kafedžić, L. & Clarke-Habibi, S., 2023) and one-day Symposium on Peace pedagogies

Public lecture on Controversial Issues and Sensitive Topics by Professor Judy Pace

Professor Judy Pace held a public lecture at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo on the topic Teaching controversial issues through case study and film on Thursday, November 9, 2023. The organizers of this event were the Department of English, Peace Education Hub, and the Society for

Public lecture by Professor Judy Pace

Professor Judy Pace of the University of San Francisco, who currently resides in the English Department as a visiting professor under the Fulbright Global Scholar Award program, will give a public lecture on Teaching Controversial Issues through Case Study and Film. The lecture will be held at the University of Sarajevo- Faculty of Philosophy,



Teaching Controversies


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