Peace Education Hub participated in the Council of Europe’s Workshop (December 16-17, 2024) on Integrating Competencies for Democratic Culture in Initial Teacher Education in Romania which gathered representatives of higher education institutions, and several other partner organizations and invited guest speakers.
On behalf of Peace Hub, Professor Larisa Kasumagić-Kafedžić joined this event online, with the presentation of the Project on Democratic Culture and Peace Pedagogy in Teacher Education, implemented as part of the program Preparing Future Teachers in the Western Balkans- Education for Democracy and Human Rights, developed and organized by the European Wergeland Centre (2018-2021), when Peace Hub designed an online course with 5 modules (Identity and Symbols, Prejudices and Stereotypes, Cultural Diversity and Intercultural learning, Teaching Controversial Issues, Children’s Rights and Inclusive Education) for a group of 15 students from three departments of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (English Department, Pedagogy Department, History Department).
Participation in this event enabled Peace Hub to share the rich experience of integrating the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture, which was a guiding document in developing and designing the online course and the publication that resulted from this project (PEH Projects).
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